6 Direct Benefits of Poultry Layer Management Software

Demand for eggs is rapidly increasing and so is the amount of data that’s being collected. If that data just sits in a spreadsheet somewhere it’s of no use to the business. Instead, egg producers are adopting new technology to help them better leverage their data for business growth. In this post, we will outline some of the ways egg businesses can benefit from poultry layer management software.

Combine costing with production data: Finally, data from different departments and areas of the supply chain do not have to be siloed from one another. Being able to trace costs from pullet through to layer to obtain the true cost of production is now possible with the right software in place. Having one system for the whole company to rely on brings alignment and streamlines communication.

Identify priority areas of growth: layer solutions can calculate cost per pullet, unit costs per egg, feed consumption, FCR, livability, eggs produced over hens housed, and more. With full traceability and visibility of your entire egg operation, you’ll see which areas of the business need the most attention. This will make it easier to make your strategy more agile. Layer management solutions have dashboards in place that make it easy to spot trends and gather key insights.

Help with layer industry challenges: Technologies like IoT will help increase automation and accuracy which will in turn increase efficiency and help to ease the blow of labor shortages. Connect IoT to our layer focused software and gain full traceability and insights into what changes will impact profit most.

Leverage Artificial Intelligence for increased accuracy: Artificial Intelligence uses Machine Learning to train models specifically tailored to your business. These models can predict at almost 100% accuracy. Predict things like egg production, forecasted feed and scheduling, egg size/grades, case weights and more. For example, with accurate data on feed consumption, you can optimize your feeding programs to reduce waste and improve feed efficiency.

Real-time production data and increased efficiency: Store important information such as the number of birds, their age, breed, vaccinations, and medications administered, feed consumption, egg production, and mortality rates. See changes happen in real time. Utilize IoT to automate data collection. If there’s no access to Wi-Fi connect offline and the data will sync when back online. Poultry layer management software can help you monitor your flock’s health and detect signs of diseases early. With the software, you can keep track of vaccination schedules, monitor medication administration, and keep records of any diseases that your flock may have contracted. This information can help you identify the root cause of a disease outbreak and take appropriate measures to prevent further spread.

Integrate with the EPS: You can also pass data from the eps or other tools into your centralized data management system. This will allow you to get the full picture all the way to the end of the poultry value chain.

Accurate data is power. By utilizing software that helps you optimize feed efficiency, reduce disease outbreaks, and improve flock performance, you can increase your revenue and reduce costs. With accurate data on your flock’s health and performance, you can make informed decisions on how to improve your flock’s profitability. 

Amino Layers is MTech Systems’ poultry layer management software that can provide all of the above benefits to your business and then some. Stay updated about the latest technology in the egg market by subscribing to our newsletter. And, if you are going to be at PEAK, come check out Amino layers in person. You can find us at booth number N721.

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